Modeling promiscuity based on in vitro safety pharmacology profiling data - Prestwick Chemical Libraries

Modeling promiscuity based on in vitro safety pharmacology profiling data

Azzaoui K, Hamon J, Faller B, Whitebread S, Jacoby E, Bender A, Jenkins JL, Urban L
ChemMedChem - vol. 2 874-880 (2007)


This study describes a method for mining and modeling binding data obtained from a large panel of targets (in vitro safety pharmacology) to distinguish differences between promiscuous and selective compounds. Two naïve Bayes models for promiscuity and selectivity were generated and validated on a test set as well as publicly available drug databases. The model shows a higher score (lower promiscuity) for marketed drugs than for compounds in early development or compounds that failed during clinical development. Such models can be used in triaging high-throughput screening data or for lead optimization.