Archives des Publications - Page 44 sur 44 - Prestwick Chemical Libraries


Development of an Assay to Screen for Inhibitors of Tau Phosphorylation by Cdk5

Journal of Biomolecular Screening

Ahn JS
Journal of Biomolecular Screening - vol. 9 122-131 (2004)

High-throughput target validation in model organisms

Drug Discovery Today: TARGETS

Doan T
Drug Discovery Today: TARGETS - vol. 3 191-197 (2004)

Modern drug discovery includes a progression from the identification of molecular targets pertinent to disease processes to the validation of those targets and compound screening to modulate the targets of interest.To save time and reduce cost,analysis of gene function can be rapidly assessed in model organisms using several approaches, including mutagenesis, antisense knockdown and chemical […]

Functional Electrical Stimulation and rehabilitation—an hypothesis

Medical Engineering & Physics

Rushton D
Medical Engineering & Physics - vol. 25 75-78 (2003)

Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES), used to mimic a weak or paralysed movement, sometimes is followed by a specific recovery of voluntary power in that movement. The mechanism by which this occurs is unclear, and the presumption has often been that FES may somehow promote adaptive changes in cortical connectivity. However, the unique feature of electrical […]

Virtual screening in lead discovery: A viewpoint


Oprea TI
Molecules - vol. 7 51-62 (2002)

Virtual screening (VS) methods have emerged as an adaptive response to massive throughput synthesis and screening technologies. Based on the structure-permeability paradigm, the Lipinski rule of five has become a standard property filtering protocol for VS. Three possible VS scenarios with respect to optimising binding affinity and pharmacokinetic properties are discussed. The parsimony principle for […]

How to acquire new biological activities in old compounds by computer prediction

Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design

Poroikov VV, Filimonov DA
Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design - vol. 16 819-824 (2002)

Due to the directed way of testing chemical compounds’ in drug research and development many projects fail because serious adverse effects and toxicity are discovered too late, and many existing prospective activities remain unstudied. Evaluation of the general biological potential of molecules is possible using a computer program PASS that predicts more than 780 pharmacological […]

Virtual screening in lead discovery: A viewpoint


Oprea TI
Molecules - vol. 7 51-62 (2002)

Virtual screening (VS) methods have emerged as an adaptive response to massive throughput synthesis and screening technologies. Based on the structure-permeability paradigm, the Lipinski rule of five has become a standard property filtering protocol for VS. Three possible VS scenarios with respect to optimising binding affinity and pharmacokinetic properties are discussed. The parsimony principle for […]